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Dress Code Policy

Diagram of dress code

To ensure a positive educational environment in our schools, we remind you that the district disciplinary code prohibits student attire which endangers the physical health, safety of school community members, limits participation in activities or is unduly disruptive to the educational process. Clothing should be clean, safe, and comfortable. Clothing may express the student’s individuality, but should not be offensive or unduly disruptive to the business of the school – education. Examples of inappropriate clothing include but are not limited to: short-shorts, off-shoulder shirts, shirts/pants with suggestive, lewd statements or profanity on them, depictions of drug/alcohol paraphernalia, clothing revealing the student’s underclothing, midriff tops, spaghetti strap tops, and/or bathing suits. Costumes are not appropriate for school, and should not be worn without permission. All outerwear-type jackets, and headgear, (hats of any kind and bandannas), are to be removed at the beginning of the day and are not to be worn. Safe footwear is required at all times, meaning all shoes must have backs.

The penalty for infractions against the dress policy may be but are not limited to:

  • opportunity to change clothing in school or by calling home for replacement clothing
  • a call home by an administrator
  • subsequent offenses may result in disciplinary action