Student Handbook
Our Mission Statement:
The Lancaster Middle School Community is dedicated to providing a student-centered learning environment that will enable all students to become life-long productive members of society through the development of their physical, social and intellectual abilities, while respecting the rights, talents and individual differences of self and others.
Our Vision:
To create an environment where students are motivated and encouraged to achieve their personal best. This can only be accomplished by the dedication and hard work of everyone in our school.
Our Belief Statement:
We, as an LMS community, believe that every student has the right to attend school which allows for individuality, while providing numerous middle level experiences to enhance the academic and social aspects of learning.
We are extremely proud of the programs that we offer to our students, and we encourage you to make the most of your time with us. In addition to the excellent academic foundation, we offer many activities, clubs, and sports to help students become well-rounded, mature young adults. Our “Commitment to Excellence” is our promise to you and our expectation of every student.
We look forward to this school year with great excitement and hope all of our students will have a rewarding and successful year. Welcome to Lancaster Middle School!
- Schedule
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Academic Eligibility
- Academic Honesty
- After School
- Announcements
- Athletics
- Attendance
- Early Arrivals/Early Dismissals
- Dropping Off Items for Students
- Behavioral Expectations
- Bullying
- Buses
- Breakfast
- Cafeteria
- Chromebooks
- Code of Conduct
- Computer/Network/Internet Policy
- Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Counselors
- Dances/Activity Nights
- Denial of Credit for Regents Courses
- Detention Policy
- Dress
- Electronic Devices
- Emergency Drills
- Extracurricular Activities
- Extra Help
- Field Trips
- Final Exams
- Grades and Report Cards
- Teacher Webpages
- Intramurals
- Lavatories
- Leaving the Building
- Library
- Lockers
- National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
- Physical Education Policies
- Prohibited Substances/Tobacco
- Promotion Policy
- Punctuality to Class/Corridors
- School Fines
- School Store
- Search/Seizure by School Personnel
- Student Council
- Study Halls
- Study Habits
- Suspension Procedures
- Telephone Use
- Theft
- Weapons
- Vandalism
- Visitors
Lancaster Middle School utilizes a rotating 6-day cycle. The first day of school will be day 1, the second day is day 2, and so on. The cycle rotates only when school is in session. Therefore, weekends and holidays should not be counted. If school is canceled for an emergency day, for example, a snow day, that number of the day is just skipped. The day we return is the normally scheduled day. Also, the first day of the second semester, January 31, 2023, will restart as day 1.
Most classes meet every day. However, some classes meet every other day, such as physical education and musical organizations. Students will be scheduled for their lunch period at some point during periods 4 - 7.
Bell Schedule:
HR/Period 1 - 7:35 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.
Period 2 - 8:324 a.m. - 9:04 a.m.
Period 3 - 9:08 a.m. - 9:48 a.m.
Period 4 - 9:52 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
Period 5 - 10:36 a.m. - 11:16 a.m.
Period 6 - 11:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Period 7 - 12:04 p.m. - 12:44 p.m.
Period 8 - 12:48 p.m. - 1:28 p.m.
Period 9 - 1:32 p.m. - 2:12 p.m.
Announcements - 2:12 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Students have the right to a free public education in the least restrictive environment. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to attend school every day unless they are legally excused and be in class, on time, and prepared to learn.
- Students have the right to a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that contributes to the ability of the class to learn.
- Students have the right to be treated with respect by all members of the school community. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to treat themselves, others, property with respect and dress appropriately for school and school functions.
- Students have the right to competent instruction that deals with the individual needs of the learner. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to meet the goals and objectives of the curriculum and ask questions when they do not understand.
- Students have the right to feel secure in their personal safety and integrity. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to respect the rules, regulations, and procedures of the district, and to seek help in solving problems that might lead to disciplinary action. To report observations of possible code violations.
- Students have the right to experience professional, ethical relationships with all staff. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner toward staff and contribute to a respectful school environment.
- Students have the right to express themselves in a socially acceptable manner. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to react to directions given by teachers, administrators, and other school personnel in a respectful, positive manner, and work to develop mechanisms to control their anger.
- Students have the right to a program that will improve their physical well-being in the least restrictive environment. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to attend the classes and participate in the programs to the fullest level of their ability.
- Students have the right to a co-curricular and extra-curricular program that is based on student interest. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to be involved to the fullest level of their interest and ability, to seek help in solving problems that might lead to disciplinary action, conduct themselves as representatives of the district when participating in or attending school-sponsored extracurricular events and to hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor, and sportsmanship.
- Students have the right to know the school rules and their consequences. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to familiarize themselves and abide by school rules, regulations, and procedures, and all district policies, rules, and regulations dealing with student conduct.
- Students have the right to a clean, well-maintained educational facility. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to contribute to maintaining a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning and to show respect toward other persons and property.
- Students have the right to experience the democratic process. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to abide by the decisions made in the democratic process.
- Students have the right to be able to report violations to the Code without fear of retaliation. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to respect the rights of others and act in an honest and civil manner.
- Students have the right to be in an environment free of harassment and discrimination. With this right comes the students’ responsibility to demonstrate conduct that fosters civility, kindness, and acceptance and is void of harassment and/or discrimination.
Academic Eligibility
A standard for Academic Eligibility for all extracurricular activities has been established at Lancaster Middle School. The Academic Eligibility Policy is as follows:
- A student will be deemed eligible for participation in any extracurricular and/or athletic activity if his/her average for the previous marking period is 72% or higher.
- Eligibility will be effective until the posting of averages of the subsequent marking period.
- Summer school will not be used in determining eligibility.
- Sixth graders are automatically eligible for their first ten weeks of seventh grade.
Academic Honesty
Students at Lancaster Middle School are expected to take responsibility for their conduct in both their social and academic actions. Academic honesty requires that students turn in work that is their own and shows their best effort. Academic dishonesty would include cheating or plagiarism.
Definition of Plagiarize: to steal and pass off as one’s own (the ideas or words of another); use (a created production) without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, 1986, p. 1728).
Plagiarism may include:
- Lack of in-text documentation
- Not using quotation marks for direct quotes
- Paraphrasing and not giving credit
- Direct copying and submitting as the student’s own work
Cheating includes:
- All homework/projects/miscellaneous assignments
- Submitting work obtained or copied from another student or obtained from a teacher without permission
- Allowing another student to copy or obtain work
- Inappropriate electronic communication with another student
Exams, Quizzes, or Tests:
- Looking at another student’s test, answers or materials
- Copying another student’s answers
- Talking or exchanging materials during the test period
Possible criminal offenses:
- Accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring, receiving computerized files without authorization from the teacher. This includes tampering with grades and attendance
- Using cellular phone technology or any mechanism with camera capabilities to photograph and/or quickly email copies of tests, projects or homework assignments without authorization from the teacher
- If applicable, a student will receive a reduction in their grade or the student may receive a zero grade on the assignment, project, quiz, or test with no makeup offered
- Teacher may contact student’s parents if the student receives a zero
- Teacher may submit a written referral to administration for disciplinary action
- Student may face suspension from clubs, sports or any other extracurricular activity
- Student may face criminal charges prosecutable under local, state and federal laws
- Building administrators may impose additional penalties such as suspension and/or exclusion from clubs such as National Jr. Honor Society.
Referred offenses become part of the student’s disciplinary record. A parent conference may be necessary.
After School
During this time, clubs will have their meetings and intramural programs will be conducted. You are encouraged to take part in these activities.
The Student Assistance Program is the time of day set aside for your teachers to provide extra help or to conduct review sessions. All teachers are present after school until at least 2:45 p.m. every day.
Students are encouraged to call home if they are staying after school. A phone is located in the main office for students to use when making calls home.
Students are not permitted in the hallways without a pass after 2:35 p.m. No loitering will be tolerated. If students are waiting for the late bus, they should go to the holding room with a pass from the teacher with which they stayed.
Students should watch the LMS News daily during homeroom for important announcements. Upon the conclusion of the morning announcements, updated information pertinent to the student will be located on the district website.
Since there is not enough time during homeroom for all announcements, students should refer to the Lancaster District Website for the most recent announcements.
Physical Education Requirement:
Athletics is an outgrowth of the Physical Education Program. The wide range of activities in physical education gives the students an excellent background in physical fitness, lifetime sports, and team sports. Because of the importance of physical education, all athletes will be required to participate in physical education throughout the year. Athletes who are illegally absent from physical education classes will not be permitted to attend practices or games on the day of the absence. The NYSPHSAA regulations state that a student must be enrolled in physical education to participate in athletics.
Information to Athletes and their Parents about Lancaster Athletics:
When your daughter/son chooses to participate in one of our sports programs, we feel that they have committed themselves to certain responsibilities and obligations. This will acquaint you with some specific policies/rules that are necessary for a well-organized program of interscholastic athletics. The program is governed by the regulations established by the Commissioner of Education’s basic code for extracurricular athletic activities.
Responsibilities of a Lancaster Athlete:
The Lancaster Central School District recognizes that interscholastic athletics are a significant part of the educational process. The combination of academics and athletics enhances the quality of students’ lives and expands their options for learning and personal growth. Athletics provide an educational opportunity in which students can learn essential life lessons beyond those that can be learned in an academic classroom.
The Lancaster School District provides the opportunity for all students to take part in interscholastic athletics. Students who participate in athletics should realize that they have an obligation to themselves, their teammates, their coaches, their school, and their community to strive for excellence. Participation in athletics also demands a commitment, which implies sacrifice and dedication. This is required of not only student athletes but also of coaches and parents.
It should be recognized that involvement in interscholastic athletics is a privilege. District students who participate in interscholastic activities are expected to conform to the standards which meet or exceed the requirements of the District’s general Code of Conduct. In addition, respect for one’s health and physical development must be an integral part of an Athlete’s daily life. Adherence to the code is to be on a year-round basis including summers and lapse time between seasons, not just during the seasons of the sport(s) in which a student participates. The Lancaster Central School District Athletic Code of Conduct can be viewed in its entirety on the LCSD website.
Disciplinary Procedures for Violation of the Code:
The punishment for any offense will be implemented by individual coaches, and where warranted, will be in consultation with the Director of Athletics. The below demonstrates guidelines the District will refer to in imposing discipline. Depending on the severity, seriousness, type of, and combination of violations, the punishment may be more severe than that which is identified below. The Administration, Coaches, Director of Athletics, and/or Athletic Review Committee reserve the right to consider extenuating circumstances and evaluate each case on an individual basis.
- Any Athlete who violates criminal law, civil law, or the rules and regulations contained in the Lancaster Central School District Code of Conduct may be subject to additional penalties deemed appropriate by individual coaches, the Director of Athletics, and/or the Superintendent.
- Use and/or Possession of Tobacco
- First Offense: Suspension from Athletic Contests/Practices for (10) calendar days. If there are less than (10) calendar days remaining in the season, the suspension will be carried to the next school year and/or season of any sport the Athlete participates. The Athlete cannot participate or attend practices/contests with the team.
- Second Offense: Suspension from practice and Athletic Contests for eight (8) weeks. If there are less than (8) weeks remaining in the season, the suspension will be carried to the next school year and/or season of any sport the Athlete participates. The Athlete cannot participate or attend practices/contests with the team.
- Any Further Offense: Suspension from any participation in Lancaster Athletics for a minimum of one calendar year.
- Use and/or Possession of Drugs (including Performance Enhancing Drugs) or Alcohol
- First Offense: Suspension from practice and Athletic Contests for the equivalent of (8) weeks. If there are less than (8) weeks remaining in the season, the suspension will be carried to the next school year and/or season of any sport the Athlete participates. The Athlete cannot participate or attend practices/contests with the team.
- Second Offense: Suspension from any participation in Lancaster Athletics for one calendar year.
- Any Further Offense: Permanent suspension from participation in Lancaster Athletics, after review by the Athletic Review Committee.
- An Athlete, who is suspended, will be required to attend an approved program in counseling/rehabilitation as a condition of gaining back eligibility.
- Participation in hazing or initiation events.
- First Offense: Suspension for the entire sports season.
- Any Further Offense: Permanent suspension from any participation in Lancaster Athletics, after review by the Athletic Review Committee.
Academic Standards:
All student athletes must realize that their main purpose for attending school is to receive an education (high school diploma). In order to remain eligible for participation in the District’s interscholastic athletic program, student athletes must maintain a minimum academic average of 72.00% for the previous marking period. Summer school and final averages will not be used in determining eligibility.
Every athlete must be a good community and school citizen. Athletes who violate criminal or civil law or the rules of conduct for Lancaster High School students will be subject to similar penalties as training rule violations deemed suitable by the Athletic Review Committee.
Appeal Procedure:
- An Athlete may appeal any decision pursuant to these rules and regulations by submitting a letter in writing to the Superintendent of Schools within five (5) school days of the imposed penalty.
- The letter should include a description of the incident, the imposed penalty, the reasons for appeal, and a suggestion for an amended penalty.
- Upon receipt, the Superintendent shall review the letter, and confer with the Athletic Review Committee regarding the matter. The “Athletic Review Committee” is composed of an Administrator, and (2) Non-involved Coaches. This Committee will review the Code violations and request for reduction of suspension.
- The Athletic Review Committee will inform the Superintendent of its recommendation and decision to modify or affirm the suspension. The Superintendent will advise the Athlete by letter of the Athletic Review Committee’s decision in writing within five (5) school days of receipt of the letter and that decision will be final.
Good attendance at school is important if you are to succeed. You are expected to be here on time. Buses arrive at approximately 7:30 a.m., and walkers should plan to arrive at approximately the same time. Homeroom commences at 7:35 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and announcements. Attendance is taken each morning in homeroom and in every class throughout the day.
Students arriving after 7:35 a.m. are considered late and must enter through the front, main doors. Students are expected to report to the Attendance Office where they will receive a pass to admit them to class or homeroom. Upon their late arrival, they should present a parental note explaining their tardiness. Those students who are late an excessive number of times will be referred to the administration.
If you are absent from school, for any reason, please have your parent/guardian call the Attendance Office at (716) 686-3227. Within 5 days of returning to school, bring a written excuse indicating the dates and reason for absence to the Attendance Office. If excuses are not brought in, the absences are marked unexcused.
It is important that household phone numbers are kept up to date especially as it relates to attendance. When a student’s absence has not been confirmed by a parent’s call, the school will attempt to contact a parent or guardian with the use of an automated telephone system.
Under the Lancaster Central School District Attendance Policy, it is unexcused to remove a child from school for a vacation as long as school is in session. It is understood that the child is responsible for getting and making up all schoolwork after the absence. Students are required to make up work after their return.
New York State has divided all student absences into two categories:
- Excused – An absence, tardiness or early departure may be excused if due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads due to inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, medical appointments, approved cooperative work programs or administratively approved school-sponsored activities or other such extraordinary reasons as approved by the administration.
- Unexcused – An absence, tardiness or early departure is considered unexcused if the reason for the lack of attendance does not fall into the above categories (e.g., family vacation, hunting, babysitting, haircut, oversleeping).
Early Arrivals/Early Dismissals
Students who report to school before 7:20 a.m. must report to the cafeteria.
If you are excused from school early, a written note from the custodial parent/guardian must be presented to the Attendance Office when you arrive in the morning. This note should state the time of dismissal, reason for being excused, and the name of the person picking the student up. It should be signed by the appropriate parent/guardian. Students will report to the Attendance Office prior to leaving. The person picking up the student must come into the building. No student may be dismissed without a written note from a parent/guardian.
We realize that, at times, doctor appointments may be scheduled for the current day. If this happens, please call the attendance office at (716) 686-3227 or email with the student's name, time and reason for pick up, and person picking up. Please be ready to show your identification upon arrival at school.
Dropping Off Items for Students
Behavioral Expectations
Middle School students are expected to exhibit proper behavior at all times. Improper behavior includes, but is not limited to, running in the hallway, disruptive classroom or cafeteria conduct, inappropriate language (i.e. profanity, obscene, and or vulgar comments), excessive yelling, or engagement in outward displays of affection. The rules of conduct listed below are intended to provide expectations for student conduct and focus on safety and respect for the rights and properties of others. Students may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from school, when they engage in:
- Conduct that is disorderly.
- Conduct that is insubordinate.
Students may not be insubordinate, vulgar or display disregard of the school rules and disrespect for school personnel, which includes, but is not limited to completing assignments, failing to comply with directions from school personnel, or being unprepared for class. - Conduct that is dangerous or disruptive.
Dangerous or disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to setting false fire alarms; bomb threats; weapon possession; including toys or replicas; lying to school personnel; social media platforms used during the school day, or possession of material that is inappropriate defamatory, or damaging to others; threats/harassment of others; fighting; vandalism; activities that are actually, or perceived to be gang activity; selling items without the explicit consent of LMS; administration; soliciting, possession or disseminating, nude or semi-nude photographs; or any other behavior that disrupts the normal operation of the school in any way. - Conduct that is violent.
- Conduct that endangers the safety, morals, health, or welfare of others.
- Misconduct while on a school bus. It is crucial for students to behave appropriately while riding on owned or leased District buses to ensure their safety and that of other passengers and to avoid distracting the bus driver. Students are required to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior.
- Any form of academic misconduct.
- Any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying behavior.
All students of the Lancaster school community are to treat each other with dignity and respect. Any student who engages in physical, sexual, verbal, or electronic harassment, discrimination, bullying or hazing will be subject to disciplinary consequences consistent with District policies. Any student who has been discriminated against, harassed, hazed, or bullied (or who has witnessed such conduct) should report the matter to a teacher, administrator, or to a Title IX officer. The Dignity Act Coordinator for the Middle School may also assist with any bullying incident.
Off-campus misconduct which may impact the educational process may be subject to student disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from school. This may include but is not limited to cyberbullying, off- campus fights, and violations of the penal code.
The Lancaster Central School District takes a strong stance against bullying. Anti-bullying programs have been created and implemented by the school team and by the district team.
Students can confidentially report bullying or harassment in the following ways:
- Directly to Administrators, Teachers, SRO, Counselors, or Staff
- Complete and submit a bully form to the Main Office or to the Counseling Office
- Complete incident reports in main office
- Visit SRO H.E.L.P. link on the school website
Bullying will not be tolerated in any form. Bullying is harassment and may be addressed not only by administration, but also by the school district SRO under the NYS Penal Law Code.
Buses will leave the bus area after the close of school. For those students staying, there will be late buses available Tuesday through Thursday.
All students who ride a late bus must have a bus pass. These passes will be issued daily by an after school supervisor. If a student is not under the direct supervision of a staff member during this after school time period or leaves the building, a bus pass will not be provided.
To maintain maximum safety, we ask that bus riders observe the following:
- Obey the bus driver at all times.
- Don’t engage in “horseplay” around or when the bus is being operated.
- Stay in your seat when the bus is in motion.
- Do not put your head or arm out the window; do not throw anything out the window.
- Use extreme caution when getting on or off the bus.
- The bus is valuable school property; courtesy and orderliness are necessary for its safe operation. Help keep the bus clean and in good condition. Damages from vandalism will be charged to the students involved.
- Riding the bus is a privilege. Students who do not follow the rule may lose bus privileges.
- Any request to ride a different bus must be made in writing by the parent and taken to the office to be approved prior to the start of the school day.
All students must eat their lunch in the cafeteria whether they bring it from home or buy it, unless specifically granted permission to be exempted from this provision. Students must return their trays and deposit their garbage in the proper receptacles. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner in the cafeteria. Any behavior in the cafeteria that violates the provisions in the LCSD Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Appropriate disciplinary action will follow. This means that we expect you to demonstrate good manners.
There are important rules in the cafeteria that must be observed:
- You are expected to be on time. This is a scheduled period therefore you must be punctual.
- You are expected to take a seat and remain in it throughout the lunch period except when you leave it to obtain your food or to dispose of your tray or waste paper. Monitors will determine the number of students at a table. Unnecessary moving about the cafeteria is not desirable.
- You may talk with your friends at your table but loud talking or shouting will not be permitted. Show proper cafeteria manners and show respect to all students, teachers and monitors.
- Each student will be expected to clean up the area around their own place—tabletop, floor underneath the table and chair. This is not the job of the monitors!
- Cell phones are prohibited from being used in the cafeteria.
- When the lights are turned off the cafeteria must be silent.
- All vending machines will be on during lunches and at 2:20.
- For safety, glass containers are not allowed.
- Any food or drink that contradicts district Health and Wellness policy will not be sold or consumed during the school day.
- Water is the only beverage that can be consumed throughout the building and during the school day. Squirt bottles will not be allowed in the building.
- Identification cards are highly recommended.
- Students are not allowed to take pictures/videos, use social media platforms (Snapchat, Instagram, etc.), or engage in phone conversations at any time.
- An Allergen Safe Table will be designated in the cafeteria if requested. Please contact the school nurse if you would like your child to be seated at the Allergen Safe table during his/her lunch period. An Allergen Safe table will also be available during any off-campus field trips. Parents should notify the Health Office of any allergy your child may have. We encourage students to be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions based on developmental level.
Code of Conduct
All students will be held accountable to the Lancaster Central School District Code of Conduct.
Computer/Network/Internet Policy
The Board of Education will provide access to various computerized information resources through the District's computer system ("DCS" hereafter) consisting of software, hardware, computer networks and electronic communications systems, and the Internet. All use of the DCS, including independent use off school premises, shall be subject to this policy and accompanying regulations. Further, all such use must be in support of education and/or research and consistent with the goals and purposes of the School District.
Access to Inappropriate Content/Material and Use of Personal Technology or Electronic Devices
This policy is intended to establish general guidelines for the acceptable student use of the DCS and also to give students and parents/guardians notice that student use of the DCS will provide student access to external computer networks not controlled by the School District.
The appropriate/acceptable use standards outlined in this policy apply to student use of technology via the DCS or any other electronic media or communications, including by means of a student's own personal technology or electronic device on school grounds or at school events.
Standards of Acceptable Use
Generally, the same standards of acceptable student conduct which apply to any school activity shall apply to use of the DCS. This policy does not attempt to articulate all required and/or acceptable uses of the DCS; nor is it the intention of this policy to define all inappropriate usage. Administrative regulations will further define general guidelines of appropriate student conduct and use as well as prescribed behavior.
District students shall also adhere to the laws, policies and rules governing computers including, but not limited to, copyright laws, rights of software publishers, license agreements, and student rights of privacy created by federal and state law.
Students who engage in unacceptable use may lose access to the DCS in accordance with applicable due process procedures, and may be subject to further discipline under the District's Code of Conduct. The District reserves the right to pursue legal action against a student who willfully, maliciously or unlawfully damages or destroys property of the District. Further, the District may bring suit in civil court against the parents/guardians of any student who willfully, maliciously or unlawfully damages or destroys District property pursuant to General Obligations Law Section 3-112.
Student data files and other electronic storage areas will be treated like school lockers. This means that such areas shall be considered to be School District property subject to control and inspection. The Information Services Manager may access all such files and communications without prior notice to ensure system integrity and that users are complying with the requirements of this policy and accompanying regulations. Students should not expect that information stored on the DCS will be private.
Examples of Unacceptable Use:
- Using the DCS to obtain, view, download, send, print, display or otherwise gain access to or to transmit materials that are unlawful, obscene, pornographic or abusive.
- Use of obscene or vulgar language.
- Harassing, insulting, bullying, threatening or attacking others.
- Damaging, disabling or otherwise interfering with the operation of computers, computer systems, software or related equipment through physical action or by electronic means.
- Using unauthorized software on the DCS.
- Changing, copying, renaming, deleting, reading or otherwise accessing files or software not created by the student without express permission from the Information Services Manager.
- Violating copyright law, including the illegal file sharing of music, videos and software.
- Employing the DCS for non-educational, commercial purposes, product advertisement or political lobbying.
- Disclosing an individual password to others or using others’ passwords.
- Transmitting material, information or software in violation of any District policy or regulation, the District Code of Conduct, and/or federal, state and local law or regulation.
- Revealing personal information about oneself or of other students including disclosure of home address and/or telephone number; except for college and/or college applications.
- Using any LCSD computer of the DCS to pursue that breaking of computer and/or network security, also referred to as “hacking”.
- Using digital devices (such as cell or camera phones), electronic technology and/or media to facilitate cheating, plagiarism, etc.
- Using the Lancaster name or logo, unless given expressed authorized permission by the Superintendent.
Student Email
LCSD provides the use of student email for students as an effective way to improve communications between faculty members, administrative staff, outside resources for school assignments, and fellow students to collaborate on school activities. LCSD will provide students with filtered, monitored, email accounts for the purpose of facilitating educational communications. Use of the District’s email system is a privilege. The account may be revoked if used inappropriately.
Expectations for Acceptable Use:
- All student Electronic Mail (email) accounts are property of LCSD. A student’s email account will be removed from the system after his/her graduation, if he/she leaves the school district, or commits any of the infractions outlined below.
- Student email will comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act through the use of active content filtering and monitoring. Student email accounts are intended for educational purposes only. Messages posted on the District’s email system cannot cause disruption to the school environment or normal and acceptable school operations.
- Use of the email system will align with the District’s Code of Conduct and the code will be used for disciple purposes. Communication through the District’s email system will exhibit common sense and civility.
- It is the responsibility of the students to maintain the confidentiality of the student email account information. Students will not share usernames, passwords, or other account information. Students are responsible for messages sent from their accounts. Students will report any possible unauthorized use of their accounts to a teacher, administrator or district official immediately. Cyberbullying and harassment will not be tolerated. Students are expected to report any suspicious or threatening communication immediately. Students will not use email to share personal information, except in the case of college and/or scholarship applications.
- Electronic mail sent or received on the LCSD system is not confidential. Improper use of the system will result in discipline and possible revocation of the student email account. Illegal activities on the system will be referred to law enforcement authorities for appropriate legal action.
Student email may not be used in the following ways:
- Unlawful activities
- Commercial purposes
- Personal financial gain
- False identity in email communications
- Misrepresentation of the Lancaster Central School District
- Distribution of electronic chain letters or unsolicited mass communications
- Distribution, corruption or obstruction of electronic email communications
Students Who Violate the Acceptable Use Policy and any Corresponding Regulations may be Subject to the Following Consequences:
- Suspension from and/or revocation or student access to the DCS. A student assigned a suspension from the DCS is not entitled to a full hearing pursuant to Education Law section 3214. A student and the student's parent, however, will be provided with the opportunity for an informal conference with the administrator imposing the suspension to discuss the conduct and the penalty involved.
- Suspension from school and District activities, as determined in accordance with appropriate due process procedures. (Education Law Section 3214)
- Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level in accordance with existing practices and procedures, as well as federal, state, and local law. (Education Law Section 3214)
- Legal action may be brought if District property, including the DCS, is damaged or destroyed.
- When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
The District's Acceptable Use Policy and Regulations will be disseminated to parents and students in order to provide notice of the school's requirements, expectations, and students' obligations when accessing the DCS.
Student access to the DCS will automatically be provided unless the parent has submitted written notification to the District that such access not be permitted. The district will establish procedures to define the process by which parents may submit a written request to deny or rescind student use of the DCS in accordance with the Commissioner's Regulations and/or District policies and procedures.
Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
The Board of Education seeks to maintain a safe and secure environment for students and staff. Advances in technology have made it possible to expand the learning environment beyond traditional classroom boundaries. Lancaster Central School District grants its students the privilege of using personal electronic devices for academic and personal use within the guidelines as outlined in this policy. Using personal electronic devices during instructional time can enable students to explore new concepts, personalize their learning experience and expand their global learning opportunities. Additionally, the use of personal electronic devices is ubiquitous in today's society and standards for student use during non-instructional time should adapt to this change.
This policy is intended to protect the security and integrity of the District’s data and technology infrastructure. Limited exceptions to the policy may occur due to variations in devices and platforms.
This policy defines the use of personal electronic devices and reinforces the standard that all use, regardless of its purpose, must follow the guidelines outlined in the Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the Lancaster Central School District’s Code of Conduct, and the Dignity for All Students Act.
Personal electronic devices are limited to laptop computers (Microsoft Windows, Apple, and Google Chrome platforms), tablet devices (iOS, Android and Windows platforms), and smartphones (iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows platforms).
Personal electronic device use by students is permitted during the school day and is expected to be in support of educational activities. The district defines acceptable academic use as activities that directly or indirectly support the instructional practices of our school. Teachers will indicate when and if classroom use is acceptable. Students must act responsibly and thoughtfully when using personal electronic devices. Personal electronic devices must remain in silent mode at all times except when being used for instructional purposes and permission has been granted by the teacher.
District campuses utilize four wireless levels. Each of the zones defined below are under the direct supervision and authority of the responsible teacher or staff member.
- Level 1 – All personal electronic device use is strictly prohibited.
- Level 2 – Personal electronic device use is available only through direct request of the appropriate supervising teacher or staff member for each instance.
- Level 3 – Personal electronic device use is available based on check-in with the area supervisor.
- Level 4 – Personal electronic device use is openly available.
Personal electronic devices may not be connected to the network by a network cable plugged into a data outlet. Network access is provided via wireless access only.
Personal electronic devices may not be used to establish a wireless ad-hoc or peer-to-peer network while connected to the district’s network. This includes, but is not limited to, using a personal device as a cabled or wireless hotspot.
Personal electronic devices are not to be shared or accessed by other students or users.
Student use of a personal electronic device must not disrupt the learning of others. Sounds must be muted at all times unless explicit permission is granted by a teacher or staff member for each instance.
The Board of Education expressly prohibits use of any personal electronic device in locker rooms, restrooms, health offices, pool areas, and any other areas where a person would reasonably expect some degree of personal privacy. In these areas, all personal electronic device use is strictly prohibited.
Student use of a personal electronic device’s camera and video capabilities are restricted in Level 1 areas within the District’s campuses. Requests for use of video capabilities require teacher approval for use and these requests may be made in consultation with the appropriate teacher.
The District shall not be liable for the loss, damage, misuse, or theft of any personal electronic device brought to school or on a school-sponsored trip or activity. Personal electronic devices that are brought to school or on a school-sponsored trip or activity are the students’ and parents’ own risk. In the event that a personal electronic device is lost, stolen, or damaged, the district is not responsible for any financial or data loss.
The District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, examine and/or confiscate a student’s personal electronic device and search its contents if there is reasonable suspicion that school and/or District policies or local, state and/or federal laws have been violated. Searches will be limited to circumstances in which there is reasonable suspicion that the search will produce evidence of the suspected misconduct.
Violations of school or District policies, local, state and/or federal laws while using a personal electronic device on the District’s wireless network will result in appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action as specified in the District’s Code of Conduct, District policy as well as by local, state and/or federal law.
District staff cannot attempt to repair, correct, troubleshoot, or be responsible for malfunctioning personal electronic devices or software contained on a personal electronic device. Connectivity and technical issues that may arise with the personal electronic device remain the responsibility of the owner of the device.
Prohibition During State Assessments
All students are prohibited from bringing personal electronic devices into a classroom or other location where a New York State assessment is being administered. Test proctors, test monitors and District officials shall have the right to collect prohibited personal electronic devices prior to the start of the test and hold them while the test is being administered, including break periods. Admission to any assessment will be denied to any student who refuses to relinquish a prohibited device.
Students with disabilities may use certain devices if the device is specified in that student's IEP or 504 plan or a student has provided medical documentation that they require the device during testing.
Students will not be permitted to use personal electronic devices in school or at school functions until they have reviewed the Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) and the applicable sections of the Code of Conduct. The District reserves the right to restrict student use of district-owned technologies and personal electronic devices on school property or at school-sponsored trips or activities, at the discretion of the administration.
Students must follow the guidelines for use set out in the District Code of Conduct and the AUP at all times. Consequences for misuse will follow guidelines in the District's Code of Conduct. The District will develop regulations for the implementation of this policy that shall include but are not limited to, instructional use, non-instructional use, liability, bullying and cyberbullying, and privacy issues.
Lancaster Middle School students are assigned to a school counselor alphabetically by last name.
- A – G: Mrs. Marla Varrone
- H - Pa: Mr. Ryan Arnold
- Pe - Z Mrs. Tracy Rabey
Counselors are available to provide short-term individual counseling to students who are experiencing academic, personal or social difficulties. Students may be referred to the counselor by teachers, parents, and peers or through self-referral. The counselor may refer students and families to the Family Support Center for long-term counseling needs.
Dances/Activity Nights
A number of dances and activity nights are held throughout the school year by various school organizations.
- Dress code rules are in effect.
- Lancaster Middle School students only.
- School ID must be presented to buy tickets and for admission to the event.
- Tickets will not be sold at the event; presale only
- Students with suspension that day cannot attend.
- Any student absent from school the on day of the event cannot attend but will be given a full refund.
- A parent or guardian must escort any student leaving or arriving 15 minutes or more, from the start or ending time of the event.
- Parents will be called to pick up students who have been removed by a chaperone for misconduct. A refund will not be given.
Denial of Credit for Regents Courses
The Lancaster Central School District believes that classroom instruction is an integral part of the learning process. Therefore, to receive credit for courses students must not only fulfill the necessary academic requirements of each course, but also must comply with the following attendance requirements.
In order to be eligible to take tests, submit assignments, or to take the local final assessment required to receive credit for a course, a student must be in attendance a minimum of 85% of the total number of classes that the course is in session. This 85% requirement means that:
- In a full-year, one-credit course, a student must not exceed twenty-eight (28) class absences (excused and/or unexcused).
- In courses with scheduled labs, e.g. science classes, a student must not exceed thirty-eight (38) class or lab period absences (excused and/or unexcused).
Students who miss more than twenty (20) minutes of any class will be considered absent for that class, and that absence will count towards the accumulated total.
Any student, who is absent from school to attend field trips of other student activities for which an approved assessment is to be completed by students, administratively approved, School approved competitions, and out of school suspension will not have the absence counted towards the accumulated total for purposes of this attendance policy.
A student who exceeds the minimum attendance requirements specified in items 1 and 2 above will:
- Not take any remaining tests, submit assignments for grades necessary to receive credit for that course, or be permitted to take a local final assessment.
- Be permitted to take a Regents exam given at the conclusion of the class.
- Continue to attend the class in accordance with all aspects of the Lancaster Central School District Code of Conduct.
If a student is denied credit under the LCSD Attendance Policy, their parent (or person in parental relation) may request a building level review of their child's attendance record. A written request must be made to the Principal of the building where their child attends within ten (10) school days of the date of the notice indicating denial of Credit. The Principal, or their designee, will examine whether or not the denial of Credit is appropriate, but only if (1) less than 50% of the accumulated absences of the student are recorded by the Attendance Clerk as unexcused absences and (2) the student continues to regularly attend the class(es) for which credit has been denied, without violating the District's Code of Conduct in any manner.
Detention Policy
- If a student is assigned detention, they will always be provided the opportunity to make a phone call to his/her parents to inform them prior to the start of detention.
- Detention starts at 2:20 and if a student does arrive late they may receive additional consequences.
- In order to postpone detention, a student must personally speak to an administrator prior to the detention. Students are required to come to the main office to inquire about changing a scheduled detention. A phone call or written excuse from the parent/guardian may be needed as well.
- If a student does not attend detention, the student will be issued an additional day of detention. If the student does not show up for both of those days, the student will be issued one day of in-school suspension and must serve the detention after school that same day.
To ensure a positive educational environment in our schools, we remind you that the district disciplinary code prohibits student attire which endangers the physical health, safety of school community members, limits participation in activities or is unduly disruptive to the educational process. Clothing should be clean, safe, and comfortable. Clothing may express the student’s individuality, but should not be offensive or unduly disruptive to the business of the school – education. Examples of inappropriate clothing include but are not limited to: short-shorts, off-shoulder shirts, shirts/pants with suggestive, lewd statements or profanity on them, depictions of drug/alcohol paraphernalia, clothing revealing the student’s underclothing, midriff tops, spaghetti strap tops, and/or bathing suits. Costumes are not appropriate for school, and should not be worn without permission. All outerwear-type jackets, and headgear, (hats of any kind and bandannas), are to be removed at the beginning of the day and are not to be worn. Safe footwear is required at all times, meaning all shoes must have backs.
The penalty for infractions against the dress policy may be but are not limited to:
- opportunity to change clothing in school or by calling home for replacement clothing
- a call home by an administrator
- subsequent offenses may result in disciplinary action
Electronic Devices
Student Use of Electronic Communication Devices (including cell phones): Students are permitted to possess and use cell phones, with restrictions, during the school day. Classroom use is at the discretion of the teacher and should be used for instructional purposes only. Cell phone use must be appropriate at all times, adhering to the LCSD Code of Conduct and the LMS Student Planner. Students are prohibited from using them in any manner which invades a person's privacy (e.g., all electronic devices and cell phones are strictly prohibited in locker rooms and bathrooms at any time), disrupts the educational environment, or endangers the safety of other students, employees, volunteers or visitors. Students are prohibited from taking pictures or videos of any District employee without expressed permission of that person. Additionally, posting those photos or videos onto any social media platform is not permissible without permission. If a student violates this provision, then he/she may be subject to discipline under this and/or any other section of this Code of Conduct that may be applicable to the circumstances involved.
Other Devices:
Between 7:35 a.m. and 2:15 p.m., students should not bring electronic devices to school that are not specifically intended for instructional purposes. This includes, but is not limited to laptops, cameras, MP3 players, laser pointers, or any recording equipment, smartwatches and headphones. Use of these devices must be approved by appropriate school personnel. Inappropriate use of cell phones or other electronic devices during the school day may be subject to the following:
- 1st offense: Phone to be confiscated until the end of the day.
- 2nd offense: Phone to be confiscated and kept until the end of the day and one night of detention may be issued.
- 3rd and subsequent offenses: Phone to be confiscated, parent must pick up and two nights of detention may be issued.
* Additional infractions may result in further disciplinary actions.
** Inappropriate use of electronic devices may result in differing levels of consequences, for example, taking pictures of others without their permission.
Any student who refuses to turn over a device to any school personnel will be considered insubordinate. Any device that is disabled, or has the battery removed, will be turned over to the School Resource Officer to verify ownership. At any time, a student may be prohibited from bringing a cell phone or electronic device on school property.
Emergency Drills
We are required by state law to have a number of fire and lockdown drills each year. The instructions on how to leave the building will be posted in each classroom. Students are expected to follow the directions of the teacher or staff member in the classroom during safety drills. Your teacher will help direct you during the evacuation of the building. The following rules are very important and should be obeyed by all students during a fire drill.
- Everyone must leave the building.
- Do not talk or involve yourself in horseplay as you walk in the halls and/or leave the building during an emergency drill.
- Walk briskly, but do not run.
- Wait with your teacher at your designated spot until the all-clear signal is given before returning to the building.
Extracurricular Activities
We have a number of student activities that provide opportunities for you to get involved in your school. After school activities begin at 2:30 p.m. Students are to report to their assigned team area until their activity begins or wait for bus transportation in the designated area. Students are not permitted to leave school property and return to school activities or ride the late bus home.
Extra Help
If there is an occasion in which you feel you need some extra help, you need only to ask your teacher. Remember, it is up to you to let your teacher know that you would like some help and set an appointment for after school. Some teachers have a particular day of the week on which they schedule such extra help sessions. When you stay for this purpose, you may go home on the late bus.
Field Trips
Field trips provide an opportunity to have a learning experience outside of the regular school setting. We feel that field trips are an important part of the program and students both learn from and enjoy them.
Students attending a field trip should be aware that the rules of conduct that are in operation in school apply equally to field trips. Failure on the part of any student to act in a reasonable manner will result in the same penalties being applied as if the student were in school, with the additional result of the loss of field trip privileges for the remainder of the year. Additionally, students attending field trips are responsible for any work missed as a result of the trip.
Final Exams
Grades and Report Cards
Report cards and five-week progress reports are placed on the Parent Portal for parents to view. Report cards are posted every ten weeks. Hard copies of these documents are no longer being mailed home. Parents can also view their child’s assignments, grades and attendance.
Each quarter, students at both grade levels are acknowledged for academic achievement. Those with averages between 90 and 100 are on the “Honor Roll” while students with averages between 85-89.9 are on the “Merit Roll.” Your final average in a subject is computed by averaging the 10, 20, 30 and 40-week period grades and final assessment. Depending on course length, some classes are weighted differently in the final and quarterly average. For example, Physical Education meets every other day and is given a weight of 50%. (Language Arts meets every day and is weighted at 100%.)
Teacher Webpages
The site can be accessed through our Staff Directory to access specific teacher pages.
The Teacher Webpages are designed to provide information about the instructional program, including class projects and/or homework. While every effort will be made by our staff to provide frequent updates to their webpages, students should pay attention in class as assignments do change as a result of unforeseen circumstances.
You should make an effort to use the lavatory between classes; however, in an emergency, your classroom or study hall teacher may issue you a pass. There are bathroom facilities in the nurse’s office to handle individual needs. All electronic devices and cell phones are strictly prohibited in the lavatories at all times.
Students are not permitted to loiter in the bathrooms. Students are expected to use the bathroom, wash their hands and leave promptly. Stalls in bathrooms are for private use only (one person per stall). Students found lingering in bathrooms will be subject to disciplinary action.
Leaving the Building
Students are not allowed to leave the building during the day without permission of the administration or Nurse’s Office. Any student, who leaves the building and/or grounds at any time during the school day without following appropriate school policies, may be subject to disciplinary action.
All students are expected to leave the building within several minutes of the close of school unless they have a specific reason for staying such as sports, extra help, club meetings, intramurals or detention. All students not involved in a supervised activity are expected to leave the building and school grounds.
The library is designed to provide resources for research, digital and information literacy. The library also provides current and popular titles for research and reading. Students at the middle school have access to information in all content formats. The Lancaster Middle School students have access to database resources and instruction on how to use those sources. Students use the library classroom for instruction and conducting research. The students have access to the library eBook/audiobook format, SORA through their school Google account.
Students are able to use the library during study halls. Students are required to obtain a pass from their study hall teacher prior to coming to the library. Students have access to computers as well as chrome books. Students are welcome to have lunch in the library with the expectation they clean their area prior to leaving the library.
The library has a makerspace area which all students are welcome to use. The makerspace area is a creative space for students with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, where they can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. Students are able to use print resources as well as different types of materials and building sets to create electronics, crafts and new inventions.
EBSCO Products
Username: lancsd
Password: LMS148$
Username: empirelink
Password: empirelink
Issues & Controversies
Username: lancfacts
Password: facts
Username: lancsd
Password: LMS148$
Scholastic Go
Username: lmslancaster
Password: lmslancaster
NOVEL/Gale Products
Username: ---
Password: empirelink
Opposing Viewpoints
Username: ---
Password: empirelink
Scholastic Go
Username: lmslancaster
Password: lmslancaster
Username: lancasterlhs
Password: lancasterlhs
Username: Lancaster1
Password: middle
*usernames and passwords are only needed for remote access.
Our school is equipped with corridor lockers that have been provided for the safe storage of your books and articles of clothing. Each of you will be provided with one locker. We hope that you will be careful of your own belongings and considerate of those things belonging to others. You are responsible for your locker and the contents of your locker at all times. It is your responsibility to make certain that your locker is properly locked each time you leave it. You should not give your combination to other students. If you ignore these directions, your locker will offer you little security for your belongings.
When you received your schedule, you were given your corridor locker assignment. You may not change your locker for any reason. It should be kept neat and clean. Do not apply stickers or gummed labels to either the inside or the outside of your locker.
It is required that you plan your activity so that you need to go to your locker as infrequently as possible. If you plan ahead, you will need to stop at your locker only when you arrive at school in the morning, again at lunchtime, and finally at dismissal time. You are not to put your own padlock on your corridor locker. Only locks purchased within Lancaster Central schools may be used on your locker. All other locks will be removed.
Students needing to get to their lockers after school hours must get permission from the office beforehand.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
Students invited to apply to this prestigious organization must meet the criteria based on scholarship, citizenship, service, leadership, and character (5 pillars of NJHS). Students must have earned a 95.00% for the first two quarters and must maintain these high grades. Teachers and Faculty Council will rate the students in the areas of leadership, character, and citizenship. Application does not guarantee acceptance.
Bimonthly meetings are held and all members are required to attend all meetings. Required completion of 15 hours is expected within the NJHS club. If these criteria are not upheld, the student may be dismissed from NJHS.
Physical Education Policies
Physical Education is a full-year course that meets every other day. In order to participate in P.E. class students must be properly attired.
- P.E. attire must be athletic clothing - we encourage students to change before and after each P.E. class for hygiene purposes.
- Footwear - sneakers with socks. Boots, sandals, dress shoes, "Crocs" or similar footwear are not allowed to be worn in class.
- All jewelry must be removed for the student's safety. This includes facial jewelry and piercings.
- No aerosol sprays are allowed (including perfumes and colognes) in the locker rooms.
All valuables are to be stored in upir hall locker. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal items should be put in the lockers; nothing should be left on the lockers room floor or on the benches. You should use a lock on the locker for the PE period only. Locks left after the class period will be removed.
- Backpacks and jackets are not allowed in the locker rooms at any time during the school day, this also includes 9th period classes at the end of the day.
- No food, gum, or beverages are allowed in the gym, locker rooms or the fitness room (water only).
- Cell phones are not allowed in or around the locker room at any time. Cell phones will be confiscated and turned into the Main Office.
- Earbuds are not allowed.
- Protective eye guards are available in the P.E. Office.
- Students are graded on a daily basis based on: participation, skill development as well as classroom behavior. Lack of participation as well as inappropriate behavior will result in point dedication from the students daily P.E. grade.
The grade for P.E. is numeric and will be part of the student’s overall grade point average.
Prohibited Substances/Tobacco
Federal law and Board Policy prohibit any type of substance use/abuse, including the use of tobacco, e-cigarettes/vapes, and other similar devices in any form on school property or at school functions.
The use of alcoholic beverages of any kind, as determined by law, is prohibited at all times on school property and at school functions. This includes all school-sponsored functions both on District property and away. Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming, selling, attempting to sell, distributing or exchanging alcoholic beverages or illegal substances or being under the influence of either. Energy drinks are prohibited as well.
Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming, selling, attempting to sell, distributing or exchanging alcoholic beverages or illegal substances or being under the influence of either. The inappropriate use or sharing of prescription and over-the-counter drugs including amphetamines, vitamins, supplements, herbs and steroids shall also be prohibited.
Promotion Policy
At Lancaster Middle School, it is expected that all students will successfully meet their requirements for all their courses.
However, in the event of a course failure (course final average below 65%) in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and/or Science, the following procedures will apply:
- In the event of one course failure in the above-mentioned subjects, a student will be promoted to the next grade with a strong recommendation to successfully complete the summer school remedial course in that subject.
a. In the event of two or more failures in the above-mentioned subjects, a student has two options:
b. A student can attend summer school in the subject(s) determined by the LMS administration. If a student successfully completes the summer remedial program in those subjects, he/she will be promoted to the next grade level.
- If the parent/guardian elects not to have their child attend the summer school program or a student is not successful, that child may be retained.
Punctuality to Class/Corridors
School Fines
If you lose or damage a textbook, or library book during the school year, you will be held accountable for the cost to replace that book and a fine will be charged. A letter will be mailed home to report that a book has been lost or damaged, along with an expectation that the student will need to pay for the lost or damaged book. Letters will also be mailed home if there are outstanding debts for other items, including damage to school property. The fines will be collected in the main office.
School Store
The school store is located in the cafeteria for your convenience. Pens, pencils, folders, notebooks, calculators and other supplies are available for purchase at a low cost. The school store is open during lunch time. School store workers will be selected from students who have applied, are in good academic standing, and receive recommendations from their teachers.
Search/Seizure by School Personnel
School officials are empowered to conduct reasonable searches of students and school property when there are reasonable grounds to believe that students may be in possession of drugs, weapons, alcohol, tobacco products, e-cigarettes/vapes or other materials (“contraband”) in violation of District School Policy or State or Local Law. Students who bring contraband onto school grounds may be searched in order to secure the school environment. School property shall remain under the control of school officials and shall be subject to search at any time without notice. Police involvement may be warranted if illegal items are brought to school.
Student Council
The student government at Lancaster Middle School has a mission to encourage student participation in school activities and service projects in order to create a positive school environment. Members of the Student Council have certain responsibilities expected of them in order to organize an effective school government. If these responsibilities are not fulfilled, members may be removed from Student Council.
Student Council members are representatives of Lancaster Middle School and are expected to be respectable role models at the middle school level. If a Student Council member shows disrespect to any faculty or staff member or acts in a manner that is unacceptable as a school representative, he/she will be removed. According to the Student Council Constitution, officers must also maintain at least an 80% overall average while in office. If this does not happen, you may be placed on academic probation.
Study Halls
Some students will have a study hall as part of your schedule. It is important that you understand the following regulations concerning study halls:
- You are expected to come to study halls prepared with something worthwhile to do including homework and/or appropriate reading materials on a daily basis.
- For the benefit of all students, study halls are quiet times.
- You may be allowed to use the Media Center, during study halls if you have signed up before homeroom. You cannot sign up for the Media Center during lunch or any scheduled classes.
- Before leaving study hall to go to a teacher for help, a pass must be presented to the Study Hall supervisor.
Study Habits
School is really a full-time job. You must schedule a specific time and place for your work and do it regularly if you are to gain the most benefit from your school attendance.
The following thoughts might be helpful:
- Have a definite time and place for your studying.
- Find a comfortable, well-ventilated place with suitable light.
- Avoid the presence of electronic devices or any other possible distractions.
- Have only those items at hand that are necessary to your work.
- Get enough sleep, exercise and recreation, but keep everything in “balance.”
- Study when you are fresh-not when everything else has made you tired.
- Review a little each day as well as doing your current work. Don’t try to learn everything at once. Frequent shorter periods of study will help you retain the information better.
- It is difficult to suggest a definite time allotment for your studying and your homework. The amount assigned each night differs from one time to another and from one class to another. Make a study plan so that you may allow enough time for all of your work. Make certain that you keep up with all of your work every day. Please, do not put off until tomorrow what you should do today.
Suspension Procedures
Students will be placed in the in-school suspension room within the school for class suspensions and/or full day suspensions for disciplinary reasons on the day of the incident. If there are subsequent days, students may complete the remaining days of their suspension at the Central Avenue alternative site. Suspended students will adhere to the following rules:
- When a student is suspended from school, the parent/guardian is notified of the circumstances. A follow-up letter indicating the reasons and duration of the suspension is mailed home.
- When assigned to suspension, bring all of your books, folders, etc., since you will not be able to go to your locker.
- If you miss any part of your suspension, you will make up the time missed.
- You are expected to do school-related work.
- You are to remain quiet and seated.
- There are no pass privileges. Bathroom use is limited.
- All students eat lunch together in the suspension room.
- Throughout the duration of your suspension, you cannot practice or participate in extracurricular activities, interscholastic sports, and you may not attend any district or after school activities.
- Suspension during the day may also include detention.
Telephone Use
Any student who threatens or displays behavior that might endanger the health, safety, and welfare of self, other students, teachers, and/or staff, will be suspended immediately and may include a recommendation for a Superintendent’s hearing to determine the student’s future status. This behavior includes but is not limited to setting false fire alarms; making bomb threats; starting fires; possessing fireworks, weapon(s) or pepper spray; throwing objects; fighting; vandalism; extortion and any other activity that would endanger anyone on school property or at a school function.
All adults who wish to visit the school must report to the Main Office and sign in where they will receive an identification badge to visit if there is an adequate reason for such a visit. This identification badge must be visible at all times. When there is a request to visit within the building, visitors will be asked to leave some form of government-issued photo identification at the main office while they are visiting the building during school hours.
There is a state law that governs loitering in school or on school property. Only individuals with a good reason to be at school or those who have the permission of a school administrator are allowed.
With regards to student visitors, the necessary paperwork from the main office must be completed well in advance. All requests for visitors must be approved by the administration. Visitations will not be allowed on the week prior to exams or the day before a school holiday or school vacation.