LMS Morning Show "News Anchors"
LMS News Morning Show
- This is an opportunity for selected 7th & 8th grade students to create and broadcast the announcements daily in conjunction with teachers and administration.
- We will collaborate with the LMS Gazette staff to write the script, rehearse, and produce the announcements.
- "New" Anchors MUST schedule a "Screen Test" prior to signing up as an "LMS News Anchor"
- Email mgembar@lancasterschools.org with the Subject: Screen Test
- Teleprompter- settings; Text Size:58px, Margin 5%, Speed 27
- How to Read and Speak Like a TV News Anchor;
Practice to speak like an anchor
The most important thing to master anything in life, is practice. So, make sure your student reporters and anchors are putting in enough practice! You can start by getting them to read news stories in front of the camera at least a few times a week.Make sure you record these readings, because you can use them for rehearsal and find improvements for the language, pronunciation and reading speed.
Moderating speed
Some students will probably read too fast. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, especially if they’re comfortable with it. However, when it comes to presenting news or announcements, speed matters a lot. The key is to make sure the student anchor and reporter doesn’t speak too fast or too slow.
If the anchor speaks too slow, audiences will lose interest. On the other, hand if the anchor speak too fast, it becomes hard for the audience to make sense of what is being spoken.
Enunciation is another thing that matters when reading. Student anchors who read too fast can be trained to enunciate words better. Not only will this help them slow down, but also achieve clarity with every word they speak. Again, practice comes in handy here as well. So, make sure your students keep going at it till they become proficient at what they’re doing.
Tone moderation
Now, one’s tone is also very important when presenting news or announcements. In fact, the tone has a lot to do with communication in general. There is a certain way you say certain things. For instance, you do not use a condescending tone to compliment someone; that just comes off as you being sarcastic and insulting.
So, make sure your anchors understand the importance of tone. This is very important when announcing sensitive matters. Let’s say you want them to report about an old teacher’s retirement. Now, you wouldn’t want them saying that in an energetic, upbeat tone because it could send out the message that everybody’s happy to see this teacher make his/her exit.
At the same time, you don’t want them sounding completely unemotional as it can come off as being indifferent. A perfect tone would be one that sounds compassionate and mildly enthusiastic. This would indicate that the school is happy for him/her and that it only wishes him/her the best.