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Health/Nurse Office Policies

Passbooks:  Passbooks signed by the teacher of the current period is required for entrance to the Health Office.  

Cell Phones:  Due to confidentiality, the use of cell phones is not permitted. Students who fail to follow this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action.

Physical Education Notes:   All notes to be excused from Physical Education (PE) are to be turned into the Health Office.  The Health Office communicates this information with the PE Department.  Physician orders are followed strictly (students may have a modified curriculum if the physician has taken the students out of PE class).  When the physician's note is open ended (i.e., until further notice), the Health Office requires an updated note from the physician to follow within 4-6 weeks.  This is to assure that the physician is aware that the student remains out of PE.  With the New York State requirement for 2 credits in PE to graduate, the importance of maintaining accurate medical PE documentation is a necessity.

Each student is allowed 3 parent notes taking the student out of PE.  Any excuses after 3 require a physician's note.

Sports:  All parent consent forms for sports are to be turned into the Health Office prior to each sport season.  In order for a student athlete to be able to start practice the first day, the consent form must be handed into the Health Office prior to that first day of practice.  The student athlete must have a current physical, a current ImPact test, and have completed the Nurse's Interview.  Any questions please contact the Health Office at 716-686-3225 or email