Become a Part of Something
LMS offers many opportunities for students to get involved in their school and community. Each activity provides a chance for students to meet new people and make new friends. Find one that fits you and get involved at LMS!
Students must arrange for transportation as there are no late buses.
Class & School Governance
8th Grade Class Board
Student Council
Advisor: Mr. Vogl
Room Number: 120
As a member of the Lancaster Middle School Student Council, you will help to establish better relations among the administration, faculty, and students, create a feeling of unity among all students, encourage student participation in the operation of the school, and develop leadership within the student body.
Advisor: Mr. Vogl
Room Number: 120
Students Working to Improve the School Setting. Student representatives are responsible for contributing to the SWISS meeting agenda by answering questions via Google Classroom. SWISS provides a direct line of communication between students and adult leaders (principals, teachers, SRO, nurse, cafeteria manager, etc.) in the building. This club meets quarterly.
Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. Gregory
Room Number: 157
Students invited to apply to this prestigious organization must meet the criteria based on scholarship, citizenship, service, leadership and character (5 pillars of NJHS). Students must have earned a 95.00% for the first two quarters and must maintain these high grades. Teachers and Faculty Council will rate the students in the areas of leadership, character, and citizenship. Application does not guarantee acceptance.
Football - Modified 7 & 8
8th Grade - Coach Hauser
7th Grade - Coach Sinclair
What the athlete needs to do in order to participate in Modified Football next Fall:
- Sign-up Online or contact the LMS Nurse's Office
- Parent permission Slip signed and returned to school nurse
- Be sure the LMS Nurse's Office has a current Physical on file
- Complete the concussion baseline (IMPACT) Test - * This is usually administered in school and is good for 2 years.
- Read the Expectations Page on this site and agree to its terms.
What the athlete needs for practice:
- Molded Football Cleats -or- Screw-in Football Spikes (No Metal on either!)
- Mesh Football Practice Jersey (8th Graders Red...7th Graders White)
- Mouthpiece with strap
- Athletic Jock
- D-Ring Belt
- Water Bottle
- Lowers (Girdle/Black Pants with Pads) - Buy early from Dicks, Amazon,etc... don't wait until the first day of practice and find out that stores are out of stock!
- * All other necessary equipment is supplied by the district (Helmet / Shoulder pads)
What the athlete can do to prepare for the season:
- Attend the Lancaster Football Camp (End of June)
- Stay active!
- Participate in other sports and physical / strenuous activities over the summer.
- General Conditioning (Push-ups, Sit-ups, Running) can be done on your own or with friends!
- See the Ideas for Summer Training Sheet
- The L.H.S. Fitness Center is open in July & August and is free of charge. Call LHS @ 686-3270 for hours.
Volleyball - Womens Modified 7 & 8
Black Team - Coach Ambrose
Red Team - Coach Koch
Modified Program Philosophy
This program is available to all students in the seventh and eighth grades. Sports activities offered are determined by the existence of leagues, student interest and the relationship to the high school program. At this level, the focus is on learning athletic skills and game rules, fundamentals of team play, socio-emotional growth, physiologically appropriate demands on the adolescent body, and healthy competition.
At the modified level, the number of teams and size of the squad in any sport will be determined by the availability of financial resources, qualified coaches, suitable facilities and a safe environment.
Practice sessions are vital in order for the desired development of the adolescent athlete and team to occur. Regulations governing practice sessions are published by the New York State Public High School Association and must be adhered to in order to insure the safety of all concerned. Opportunities for meaningful contest participation for each individual will exist over the course of a season.
Clubs & Organizations
- Air Rifle Club
- Art Club
- Bookstore
- Design Club
- Digital Media/Book Club
- Drama Club
- Chess Club
- Current Events & History Club
- Diversity Club
- Foreign Language Club
- Gazette
- Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
- Jazz Band
- Junior SADD
- LEO Club
- Marching Band
- Minecraft Club
- Peers Helping Peers
- RAKE (Random Acts of Kindness Everyday)
- Robotics Club
- Select Chorus
- Ski Club
- STEM Club
- Tabletop Gaming Club
- Technology & Engineering Club
- Trap Team
- Writer's Cafe
- Yearbook Club
Air Rifle Club
Advisor: Mr. Gembar
Room Number: LHS Varsity Rifle Range
The Rifle Club is intended to provide students with opportunities to build discipline in competitive sport at an age-appropriate level and in a manner that allows the greatest amount of participation. The club will provide an initial involvement in school-related competitive sports for 7th & 8th grade students.
The rifle program, particularly in the early middle school years, focuses on teaching the fundamentals of sportsmanship, team participation, and athletic competition in a setting that allows participation among students with a broad range of athletic ability.
Principal parts of a rifle, action types, and how they function will be demonstrated. NRA rules for safe gun handling will be explained, applied, and adopted through the club for future use when around or using rifles. Handling rifles in a safe manner will be demonstrated and stressed.
Art Club
Advisor: Mrs. Grobe
Room Number: 209
Art Club is open to students who enjoy creating, working on group projects, and making new friends. Students are exposed to a wide variety of art materials and projects. The main goal of Art Club to to help students engage in art activities they may not have done before and make new friends.
Advisor: Mrs. Freund
Students learn to apply for a job, maintain a work schedule, and be responsible for a cash drawer throughout the school year. Students learn about inventory and record keeping. Working at the school store will allow students to practice math skills in everyday situations. It also allows them to interact and make new friends with other students in the building. Allows students to be active participants in school without it interfering with other after-school activities.
Design Club
Digital Media/Book Club
Drama Club
Advisor: Mrs. Conlon
Room Number: 113
Drama Club is the organization that produces the yearly Musical production. Students can be involved in two major ways. First performing: either on stage as an actor, singer, or dancer or in the pit orchestra as a player. Second behind the scenes as crew members for sound, lighting, stage crew, costumes, and props. Attend a Drama club membership meeting in September or October to hear more about how to get involved.
Chess Club
Current Events & History Club
Advisor: Mr. McCarville
Room Number: 300
Club Mission:
We hope to increase understanding of history and be able to compare and contrast historical events to current events. We also hope to learn more about current events and possibly take action in the form of a service project.
Club Goals:
The current events club would provide students with the skills needed to understand world issues and hopefully become motivated to take action. An additional goal of this club is to encourage students to become upstanders rather than bystanders.
Diversity Club
Foreign Language Club
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
Jazz Band
Advisor: Mrs. Giordano
Room: Band room
Jazz Band meets once a week to rehearse music and learn about Jazz. We have several concerts throughout the year (December and May) and compete at the Springville music competition annually. My goal as the director is to educate students on Jazz and blues music.
Junior SADD
Advisor: Mr. Arnold
Jr. SADD is a club focused on providing information to students about destructive decisions as well as positive alternatives. Such decisions include drugs, alcohol, cyberbullying, vaping, ect. Through the club we inform students as a whole through school wide initiatives and activities. Club members have unique experiences as we collaborate with the SRO officer and other local organizations bringing in guest speakers. My goal for the club next year is to provide more opportunities for students to get the word out and encourage more positive choices.
LEO Club
Marching Band
Minecraft Club
Peers Helping Peers
Advisor: Mrs. Burke
Room Number: 154
The purpose of PHP over the past few years was for students to tutor other students in need of assistance in a one on one setting either during lunch or a study hall. The one on one tutoring sessions allowed for students to develop relationships and to feel comfortable receiving assistance.
RAKE (Random Acts of Kindness Everyday)
Advisor: Mr. Arnold
RAKE Club was established to encourage students to practice kindness. Through our club, we learn what kindness means and what it looks like so students can identify examples in their own lives and pass them on to others. My goal for next year is to include the most amount of students possible and encourage them through engaging and fun activities.
Robotics Club
Select Chorus
Advisor: Mrs. Conlon
Room Number: 113
Select Chorus is auditioned choir that meets after school on Tuesdays until 3:30. We perform 3 part choral music and provide solo opportunities for students to improve their auditioning and performance skills. We have a fall and spring session which features a themed concert. We also participate in NYSSMA majors every spring. If you enjoy singing and want to participate in an ensemble with other passionate musicians select chorus is an ensemble you may want to consider auditioning for. Auditions are held in September for the fall sessions and at the end of February for the spring session.
Ski Club
Advisors: Mr. Gembar and Mr. Masters
Room Number: 120
The Lancaster (S)cience (T)echnology (E)ngineering (M)ath Club competes in club, local and regional competitions based in the areas of Science & Technology. Emphasis is placed on hands-on building and construction. Teamwork is a required skill in most building & scientific careers today, and encourages group learning by using the Design Process or Scientific Method.
Tabletop Gaming Club
Technology & Engineering Club
Advisor: Mr. Hauser
Room Number: 164
This club allows those students who have and interest in Technology/Engineering and want to take their talents beyond the classroom. The goal of the club is an open lab format where students can make their ideas a reality. Students will have access to computer and 3D design software, 3D printers, and various tools and machines.
Trap Team
Advisor: Mr. Gembar
The Lancaster Trap team has partnered with West Falls Conservation Society & East Aurora Fish & Game Club to compete in the New York State High School Clay Target League. The League’s success is dependent on the trust it instills in every student-athlete, coach, shooting range member, parent, and school official. The assured reliance on character, ability, and truthfulness for each person will create an entrusted safe environment that everyone will enjoy. Firearm safety and proper handling of firearms are a must. Prior experience is not required!
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